Terps Innovation Social: San Francisco

Please join Paul Dravis ('78, GVPT) alum and fellow San Francisco Terps for an opportunity to develop new friendships and business connections, while also learning about virtual reality technologies. At this casual event, there will be a brief presentation on how virtual reality technology will change how we will access, interact and share information in the future. Demonstrations will include both mobile and room scale virtual reality applications such as painting in 3D and more!

Doors will open at 6:00 p.m., please arrive no later than 6:25 p.m. and the sessions will conclude at 8:00 p.m. Appetizers and drinks will be included.

If you have an interesting project or concept to share with the group, please contact Jeff Sansouci at jsansou1@umd.edu or Paul Dravis at paul@dravis.net.

Samsung Accelerator
201 Spear St, 16th floor
San Francisco, CA

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