Promotion and Tenure
Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
This page contains information on the promotion process for tenure-track and tenured faculty. The University of Maryland Policy on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) of Faculty is found here. The University's guidelines for APT, maintained by the Office of Faculty Affairs, are found here. The APT manual and guidelines are updated on an as-needed basis. To ensure that you are using the most up-to-date copy of the guidelines, please access the online document on the Office of Faculty Affairs website.
A candidate's preparation for tenure and promotion review begins when they enter the University. Soon after the candidate arrives, the APT policy calls for the unit administrator to provide the candidate with a copy of the promotion criteria by which they will be evaluated (APT Policy Section II, Section IV) and to appoint one or more senior faculty mentors (APT Policy Section IV.A.3). The College's guidelines on the evaluation of tenure-track faculty involved in interdisciplinary research are found here.
College APT Deadlines for AY2024-2025
- Unit deadlines to submit their cases to the Dean's Office are Friday, November 8, 2024 (for tenure cases), and Friday, November 15, 2024 (for promotion cases).
- The Office of Faculty Affairs recommends that emeriti cases be submitted by January 1. Once Faculty Affairs and the campus committees begin their review, they prioritize APT/AEP cases and pick the emeriti cases back up around May 1.
- Dossiers for new appointments may be submitted at any time, however, for an Academic Year start date (August 23 for 9-month appointments), dossiers should be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs by no later than June 1. For faculty with 12-month appointments intended to start July 1, dossiers should be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs by no later than April 15. Units should contact the Dean's Office to establish a timeline for the process to meet college and campus expectations.
College APT Committee Members AY2024-2025
- Dr. Sebastian Galiani (Committee Chair) | Economics
- Dr. Giovanni Baiocchi | Geographical Sciences
- Dr. Sarah Croco | Government and Politics
- Dr. Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah | Hearing and Speech Sciences
- Dr. Jens Herberholz | Psychology
- Dr. Robert Brame | Criminology and Criminal Justice
College Contacts
- Dr. Patricio Korzeniewicz, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Ms. Elizabeth Martinez, Associate Program Director
Additional Notes and Resources
- For Unit APT Managers: The candidate review materials, teaching portfolio, and supplemental materials must be bookmarked and in searchable text. The dossier elements to be bookmarked are listed at the bottom of the Transmittal Form and must be in the appropriate order. All three packets must be submitted through the online Appointments, Promotions, and Awards (APA) management application. Go to, log in with your university login, and follow the instructions in the "Help" section. There is no need to notify the Dean's Office or the Office of Faculty Affairs when you upload an APT dossier; the system will generate an automatic notification.
- The Office of Faculty Affairs - APT Resources and Links
- The Office of Faculty Affairs Website:
- APT Forms &Templates:
- Tenure Delay Information: