Academic Programs


The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences is the academic home or academic partner for the following undergraduate academic programs.

Each undergraduate major has specific learning outcomes for students, including TerrapinSTRONG outcomes.

Please visit the Feller Center for academic advising and career planning.

Academic Honors & Awards

The Honors College is a special academic home for high-achieving students at Maryland through a variety of programs including living-learning programs and departmental honors programs.

Honors Programs where advanced undergraduate students pursue a research project with a faculty member and take special honors-level coursework. Students admitted to a departmental honors program also become members of the Honors College.

Follow the links below for additional information about each of the Departmental Honors Programs.

African American and Africana Studies
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Environmental Science & Policy
Geographical Sciences
Government & Politics
Hearing and Speech Sciences

There are a large number of national honor societies that may invite you to join. Some are outstanding organizations that have chapters on campus including but not limited to Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), and Phi Beta Kappa.