Undergraduate Scholarships

BSOS College Scholarships

The College offers several scholarships to current BSOS students (below). Each scholarship has individual eligibility criteria. Scholarship awards are granted one time for the Fall semester. 

In addition, the College manages other scholarships open to BSOS and all UMD students (scroll down to Other Undergraduate Scholarships to review). These scholarships have individual eligibility requirements and may have different due dates than the general BSOS scholarship application.

Scroll down for details about the Sebastian Herbstein Memorial Scholarship in Fiction Writing (open to all UMD students), the The Jay G. Cohen Memorial Student Opportunities Endowed Scholarship Fund (open to all UMD students), and the Terp DREAM Scholarship (open to all UMD students).

If you are a BSOS student with financial need that is preventing you from taking advantage of an experiential learning opportunity, apply for BSOS Undergraduate Experience Funds.

BSOS College Merit Awards

Eligibility Requirements

  • Have completed at least one semester (Fall 2023 or earlier) at the University of Maryland.
  • Plan to attend the University of Maryland during the Fall 2024 semester - Students graduating Spring 2024 are not eligible to apply.
  • Be enrolled in a BSOS major or BSOS track within a shared major (e.g. ENSP, NEUR, SDSC).
  • Submit all application materials by the due date (see below). Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Meet and maintain the original scholarship qualifications; if not met at the time of Fall 2024 funds disbursement, the scholarship will not be awarded.

Application Requirements

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less. Note: each scholarship asks a unique question. You must submit answers for every scholarship to which you are applying)
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement (current year), if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financial Aid" (in the left menu bar), then click on "MY FINAID ACCOUNT," then navigate to the Access Financial Aid Portal (green button), then “Print” (under the “Financial Aid Offer” tab in the top menu bar). 

Applications for BSOS College scholarships for the 2025-26 academic year will open in late March 2025.



The purpose of this scholarship is to support undergraduate students in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences who are in good academic standing (GPA 3.0 or greater) and who, without financial support, would be unable to complete their degree. The monetary award for this scholarship is: $1,000 (up to six recipients).

Apply online for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Scholarship Fund.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – How have personal financial challenges impacted your college experience at the University of Maryland? 
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Gregory F. Ball Award was created in 2015 by Drs. Gregory Ball and Margaret M. McCarthy Ball to support undergraduate students who are enrolled in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences, and have a demonstrated interest in biological psychology or neuroscienceThe monetary award for this scholarship is: $1,000 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for the Gregory F. Ball Scholarship Award.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – What drives your passion for the field of biological psychology/neuroscience?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Katherine Pedro Beardsley and Robert S. Beardsley Scholarship for Outstanding BSOS Student Leaders was established in September 2003 with a gift from Dr. Katherine Pedro Beardsley.  In recognition of College of Behavioral & Social Science student leaders, the former Associate Dean, Dr. Katherine P. Beardsley, along with her husband, established a scholarship award that will acknowledge a College of Behavioral & Social Sciences student who shows strength in academics, merit and leadershipThe monetary award for this scholarship is: $1,500 (two recipients).

Click here to apply online for the Katherine Pedro Beardsley and Robert S. Beardsley Scholarship for Outstanding BSOS Student Leaders.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – How have your leadership skills evolved since starting at the University of Maryland and how have those skills shaped you as a person?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Irv and Micki Goldstein Scholarship was established in December 2002 by Dr. Irwin Goldstein, former dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and his wife Arlene Goldstein. It provides a scholarship award for a rising senior in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences who consistently achieves academic excellence in their studies. The monetary award for this scholarship is: $1,500 (up to four recipients).

Click here to apply online for the Irv and Micki Goldstein Scholarship.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – As a student at the University of Maryland, what is your proudest academic accomplishment and why?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Herskowitz Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 by Jeffery Herskowitz '90 will support scholarships for students enrolled in any major in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Preference shall be given to students who have performed at least 100 hours of public service in the prior academic year. Preference will also go to students who have graduated from a high school in Gloucester, Camden or Burlington counties in New Jersey; or from William Penn Charter School.  The monetary award for this scholarship is: $1,000 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for the Herskowitz Endowed Scholarship Award.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – What public service activity have you completed in the last academic year and how has that experience shaped you as a person?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Parichehr Hedayat Missaghi Scholarship was created in 2015 to honor Parichehr Hedayat Missaghi - beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and a pillar of her community.  This scholarship is intended to provide an annual, merit-based scholarship to a current BSOS undergraduate student, with preference given to students devoted to the defense of women's rightsThe monetary award for this scholarship is: $750 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for the Parichehr Hedayat Missaghi Scholarship Award.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – Please describe how you plan to be a champion for women's equal rights through your education or career.
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

In recognition of Dr. Edward Montgomery, former dean of the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences, the Montgomery Family Endowed Scholarship was established in January 2012 to award a scholarship to a high achieving rising junior, who demonstrates financial need and is a resident of either an inner city or a small rural community. Preference shall be given to first generation college students and those who participate in a meaningful extracurricular or non-regular classroom experience. The monetary award for this scholarship is: $1,000 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for the Montgomery Family Endowed Scholarship.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – Given your inner city or rural community background, what unique challenges have you faced and how have these challenges shaped your experiences as a student at the University of Maryland?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

Established in June 1998 in recognition of Professor Murray E. Polakoff, former dean of the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences, the Murray E. Polakoff Scholarship Award provides a scholarship award for a driven rising sophomore or junior student in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences who has shown commitment to serving their campus and community. The monetary award for this scholarship is: $1,000 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for the Murray E. Polakoff Scholarship Award.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – How do you think your college education has helped you serve the campus or your home community?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Portogallo Family Endowed Scholarship for BSOS was established in 2016 by The Portogallo Family. It provides a scholarship award for a student in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences who is from Nassau or Suffolk counties in Long Island, New YorkThe monetary award for this scholarship is: $3,500 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for The Portogallo Family Endowed Scholarship for BSOS.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – As a student at the University of Maryland, what is your proudest academic accomplishment and why?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Benjamin, Mary, and Maryanne Sharp Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 by Benjamin C. Sharp M.A. '72, Ph.D. '81 and his wife, Mary. It provides a scholarship award for a student in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences who is a graduate of a secondary school in Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East, Africa, or CanadaThe monetary award for this scholarship is: $2,000 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for The Benjamin, Mary, and Maryanne Sharp Endowed Scholarship.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – As a graduate of an international secondary school, what unique experiences or challenges have you faced as a student at the University of Maryland?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

The Jean & Robert Steele Scholarship Award was established in May 2004 by Dr. Robert E. Steele to support rising juniors and seniors who are enrolled in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences, and are the first generation of their family to attend college. These students face unique issues on our campus and the recipient of this award should be a person who, without financial assistance, could not complete their undergraduate studies. The monetary award for this scholarship is: $500 (one recipient).

Click here to apply online for the Jean & Robert Steele Scholarship Award.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – What unique challenges have you faced being a first generation college student at the University of Maryland and how have these challenges shaped your character?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

BSOS Undergraduate Experience Funds

If you are a BSOS student with financial need that is preventing you from taking advantage of an experiential learning opportunity, apply for the BSOS Undergraduate Experience Funds.

Other Special Scholarships/Awards

The Sebastian Herbstein Memorial Scholarship in Fiction Writing will be awarded to an undergraduate student engaged in any major or discipline of study at the University of Maryland who shares Sebastian’s passion for fiction writing and excellence in storytelling.

Two cash prizes, $1,000 for first prize and $600 for second prize, will be awarded for works of short fiction of 5,000 words or less. At the discretion of the judges, an honorable mention might also be recognized. In accepting the award, the recipients will provide information on how the monetary prize will be used in pursuit of creative writing. The winning pieces will be posted on the Sebastian Herbstein Memorial Award Website, together with a photograph and short bio of the winners. The award winners may list the honor in her or his resumes.

Learn more about the Sebastian Herbstein Memorial Scholarship here.

Mr. Matthew Fishlinger '07 and Mr. William J. Fishlinger '71 established the Fishlinger Family Endowed Scholarship in June 2017 to provide merit-based scholarships for undergraduate students in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. This scholarship is intended to provide an annual, merit-based scholarship to a high achieving BSOS undergraduate student who has been deeply impacted by personal or medical challenges. This scholarship is renewable through the recipient's senior year, provided they maintain their good academic standing (3.2 GPA or higher). 

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered: 

  • Currently enrolled BSOS undergraduate student. Preference given to rising sophomores, majoring in Government & Politics, but all BSOS majors may apply.
  • Exhibit exemplary academic standing, as evidenced by a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
  • Exhibit financial need, as evidenced by submission of Financial Aid Offer Statement and Personal Statement of Financial Need.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – Please describe your medical or personal hardship and how that has affected your educational and career goals?
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. (Note: you do not need to receive financial aid/assistance to qualify for a scholarship)
  7. Financial Aid Awards Statement – This is only required if you receive any form of financial assistance (other scholarships, loans, grants, etc.). Your statement, if applicable, may be viewed by visiting http://www.testudo.umd.edu/, clicking on "Financials" (in the left menu bar), then "Show me my Financial Aid Status" (green button), then “Print Your Award Information” (under the “Awards” tab in the top menu bar).

Questions regarding this scholarship or the application process should be directed to bsos-scholarships@umd.edu.

The Jay G. Cohen Memorial Student Opportunities Endowed Scholarship Fund provides support to undergraduate University of Maryland students who have a strong interest in pursuing a career as an attorney. This fund supports costs related to the preparation and application for law school. Funds may support costs for part (or all) of an LSAT preparation course and/or additional expenses incidental to the law school admissions process (e.g. application fees, transportation for visits, etc.) The monetary award for the is variable, typically ranging from $250 to $1,500.

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered:

  • Exhibit exemplary academic standing, as evidenced by a GPA of 3.3 or higher.
  • Have completed at least 75 credits at the University (including transfer and Advanced Placement credits)
  • Exhibit demonstrated financial need, as evidenced by submission of Personal Statement of Financial Need.
  • Intent to pursue law school after graduation
  • Preference given to students with junior class standing. 

The application is currently closed. Due date for applications for AY2025-26 will open March 25-May 2025.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  4. Short Answer (250 words or less) – Briefly, describe your career goals and explain how receiving this aid supports your goals. Ultimately, list how you plan to directly use these funds. (i.e. LSAT prep, LSAT registration, law school application fees, etc.)
  5. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  6. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. 

Questions regarding this scholarship or the application process should be directed to bsos-scholarships@umd.edu and Greg J. Shaffer, Esq., Associate Director, Pre-Law Advising, gshaffer@umd.edu

The Terp DREAM Scholarship Fund is intended to provide scholarships to undergraduate, undocumented, first-generation college students who have completed at least one semester at the University of Maryland. This scholarship will provide support to undergraduate students who also have prevalent financial need. Multiple scholarships will be distributed. The monetary award for these scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year will range between $250-500. 

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered:

  • Currently enrolled undergraduate student, continuing their studies in 2023-2024. 
  • Exhibits demonstrated path in completing undergraduate degree. 
  • Exhibits financial need, as evidenced by submission of Personal Statement of Financial Need.
  • Does not qualify for FAFSA
  • Does not have permanent residency (green card) or citizenship in the U.S.
  • Is a first-generation college student 

The application is now open. Applications are due by April 5, 2024 at 5PM.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Short Bio (250 words or less) – Include year of study, major, other activities relevant to scholarship and professional activities
  3. Short Answer (250 words or less) – Describe your educational and career goals and explain what or who has inspired or helped shape those goals.
  4. Academic Reference – Name and email of one University of Maryland faculty or staff member who can speak on behalf of your academic performance and candidacy for a scholarship based on the qualifications set forth. (Note: you should request permission to list this person as your reference, but they will not need to submit a letter.)
  5. Statement of Financial Need – Brief personal statement regarding your financial need, if any, and how a scholarship would benefit you. 

Questions regarding this scholarship or the application process should be directed to bsos-scholarships@umd.edu.

The Robert R. Satterfield LGBTQ+ Opportunities Endowed Scholarship was established in August 2016 by Mr. Robert R. Satterfield '95, that supports students who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting civil rights for and preventing discrimination against LGBTQ+ people are encouraged to apply for these scholarship opportunities. The recipient must be a full-time student, with a declared major in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students are eligible to apply. The monetary award is $1,500 for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The following materials must be submitted to complete your scholarship application:

  1. Transcript (official or unofficial) – Student’s cumulative GPA from the University of Maryland will be considered
  2. Resume (1-2 pages)
  3. Short Answer (250 words or less) – Either in your personal life or academic/career path, please share your demonstrated commitment to promoting civil rights for and preventing discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.

The application is now closed. This application should open in Spring 2023. 

Questions should be directed to bsos-scholarships@umd.edu.

These funds assist undergraduate BSOS majors engaged in experiential learning outside the classroom, including internships, research, conference attendance. 

The application is currently closed. If you are seeking funds for an unpaid Summer 2023 internship, please check out the Bright Futures Scholarship Fund through the Division of Student Affairs.  Applications accepted until 5 PM on Monday, May 8, 2023.

Learn more about BSOS Undergraduate Experience Funds here

The BSOS Summer Scholars program supports undergraduate students doing independent research projects with faculty in the summer. Recipients will gain a competitive edge when applying for graduate study, national scholarships, and other awards. Students may expand their research into an independent study or Honors thesis during the following fall semester. The program is modeled after, but separate from, the Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR) Maryland Summer Scholars Program. It is expected that students apply for both MCUR and BSOS Summer Scholars, though they may only accept one. The BSOS Summer Scholars program runs annually in the Spring Semester.

There will be a maximum of four awards of $3,000 each. Due date for applying is February 22, 2023. 

Learn more about BSOS Summer Scholars here

Scholarships for BSOS Students by Nomination

The College of of Behavioral and Social Sciences "Be the Solution" Fund supports scholarships and awards for academically talented and engaged students.  These scholarships are supported, in part, by the generous donations of alumni, friends, and parents of the College. 

The “Be The Solution” Scholarship is awarded to a select group of rising seniors in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences who have demonstrated outstanding academic accomplishment at Maryland, as well as financial need. Students are nominated for this award by the College. No application materials are required.

If you are a currently enrolled BSOS undergraduate student experiencing a short-term financial emergency, please complete the campus Student Crisis Fund - Economic Crisis Response Grant Application and email bsos-scholarships@umd.edu to let us know you have applied. The BSOS College will work with the campus Student Crisis Fund to help ensure we are able to provide the maximum assistance to the maximum number of students possible.

Departmental Scholarships

Check with your department's Director of Undergraduate Studies and advising staff for more information on departmental scholarships and awards:

Additional Information:

  • Students who have previously been awarded a College of Behavioral and Social Sciences scholarship may not reapply for the scholarship which they were awarded; however, past recipients are welcome to apply for other scholarships, if qualified.
  • Students may apply for more than one scholarship; however, they must meet the individual qualifications and submit separate short answer responses for each scholarship.
  • Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the college’s Scholarship Reception (to be held virtual or in-person) - date TBD annually.
  • Scholarship recipients will be asked to submit a Thank You note to the benefactor of the fund and record a short Thank You video message to accompany the note.

Questions regarding BSOS scholarships or the application process can be e-mailed to: bsos-scholarships@umd.edu.

Need-Based Financial Support for Study Abroad

The BSOS College may be able to provide a maximum of $500-$1000 in need-based financial aid to undergraduate BSOS majors who are admitted to a UMD approved education abroad program and who have documented high financial need (as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid in collaboration with Education Abroad). 

Students who are interested in requesting need-based financial aid from the BSOS College should simply apply for need-based financial aid through Education Abroad in the Scholarship Universe platform as part of their program application. There is no need to apply directly or separately to the BSOS College for consideration.

BSOS College Student Emergency Fund

One-time emergency financial assistance for students with a short-term economic crises. Awarded in collaboration with other campus emergency financial assistance. Contact bsos-ugdean@umd.edu to request aid.