Data & Resources

Prevent Gun Violence: Research, Empowerment, Strategies & Solutions (PROGRESS)

Using a a research methodology that draws on multiple sources of data, including public health and criminal justice/legal, PROGRESS is dedicated to utilizing translational science to inform the development and implementation of gun violence reduction and prevention efforts.

Please explore below for links to information, organizations, and publications related to gun violence reduction and prevention.

For any suggestions or inquiries regarding the resources listed on this page, please send us a message at

Ambulatory Health Care Data

Baltimore Witness Homicide & Non-Fatal Shooting Data 


DC Firearm Injury Surveillance Dashboard (Firearm Injury Emergency Room Visits)

DC 2024 Year-to-Date Crime Comparison

District Gun Violence Dashboards

Duke Repository of Historical Gun Laws

Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST)

Gun Violence Archive

Gun Homicides Map

GVPedia Data Visualization Tool

Illinois Firearm Injury Rates Dashboard

Mapping Firearm Suicides and Homicides in California

Mapping Injury, Overdose, and Violence Dashboard

Maryland National Incident Based Reporting (NIBRS) Crime Dashboard

Massachusetts Firearm Records Bureau

National Center for Health Statistics

National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)

National Criminal Background Check System

National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)

National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP)

National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS)

National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)

Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium: Data Dashboards


Survey of Prison Inmates (SPI)

The Annual Firearms Manufacturers and Export Report

The Federal Firearms Licensee Statistics Theft/Loss Reports

The Firearms Commerce Report

The Firearms Trace Data

Gun Violence Data Hub

  • Source: The Trace: The only newsroom dedicated to covering gun violence
  • Type: Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
  • Link:

PGCHealthZone - Community Health Dashboards

The Listing of Federal Firearms Licensees

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program

Violence Prevention Index Report

Violence Reduction Dashboard

Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS)

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)

Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Institute at Maryland (AIM)

Division of Information Technology

Guidelines for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Tools at UMD

Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society (TRAILS)

Maryland Today

President's Commission on Artificial Intelligence


Teaching & Learning Center


Values-Centered Artificial Intelligence (VCAI)

Center for Community Engagement at UMD

Community Research, Equity, and Design (CReED) Collective

Design Justice Network

Design Justice Publications (The MIT Press)

Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society (TRAILS)

Principles of Community Engagement (PCE) - 3rd Edition

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Values-Centered Artificial Intelligence (VCAI)

Community Violence Legal Network

Duke Repository of Historical Gun Laws

Firearm Purchaser Licensing (Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions)

Click here to find a list of UMD groups dedicated to violence intervention, prevention, and research.

120 Initiative on Gun Violence Prevention

Agree to Agree

Alliance of Concerned Men (ACM)

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

CDC Resources for Action

Center for American Progress

Center for Injury Prevention and Policy, University of Maryland Medical Center

Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University

Center for the Study and Practice of Violence Reduction (VRC) at UMD

Center for Victim Research 

Center on Urban Violence and Crime Reduction (Morgan State)

Community Justice Action Fund

Community Violence Legal Network

Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy

Crime and Justice Policy Lab at the University of Pennsylvania

  Everytown for Gun Safety

Giffords Center for Violence Intervention

Guns Down Friday

The Hope and Heal Fund

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions

Kaiser Permanente Center for Gun Violence Research and Education

Maryland Center for School Safety

Maryland Crime Research and Innovation Center at UMD

Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services

Maryland Statistical Analysis Center (Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy)

Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence

Maryland Violence Prevention Coalition

Moms Demand Action

National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research (NCGVR)

National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center, The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions

National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center (NJGVRC) at Rutgers University

Newtown Action Alliance

Project Unloaded

Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium

Research Society for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms

Roca (focuses on reducing urban violence)

The Injury and Violence Prevention Program at the VCU Health Trauma Center

The Black and Brown Collective for Community Solutions to Gun Violence

The T.R.I.G.G.E.R. Project

UMB Center for Violence Prevention

Violence Policy Center

White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention

"Morgan State leads national conference to address gun violence on college campuses"

"How police violence reshapes community health and trust"

"Violence Reduction Center Seeks to Scale ‘Invaluable’ Violence Reduction Tool"

"2024 Sees Smallest Summer Surge in Gun Violence Rates in 6 Years"

"Gun Violence in the United States 2022"

"16,648 Reasons to Live"

"Firearm Safe Storage"