Maryland Crime Research and Innovation Center

Training the Next Generation of Leaders

Since 2019, the Maryland Crime Research and Innovation Center has supported an embedded data analyst in partnership with the Baltimore Police Department. The University of Maryland, Criminology and Criminal Justice program has long held the recognition of being the top program in the country, graduating high caliber students with important skillsets. This partnership provides an opportunity for students to engage with practitioners in real-world, real-time translational research. The success of the program has resulted in its continued and expanded presence in BPD and a new collaborative partnership with the Prince George’s Police Department.

In addition, MCRIC engages in the University of Maryland’s initiative to reimagine learning by engaging undergraduate and graduate students within the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department and across campus in transformative educational experiences regarding public safety research and practice outside of the classroom. Nearly all MCRIC projects engage students on applied research where they gain hands-on research experience and networking opportunities with public safety leaders across Maryland.

Graduate Student Involvement Across MCRIC Research Projects

Lydia Becker
Lydia Becker

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice - Behavioral Health and Public Safety Strategic Plan

Codey Carr
Codey Carr

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice  - Baybrook Community-Based Violence Intervention Program

Frank Donohue
Frank Donohue

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice – Annapolis Police Department Workload Study

Frank assisted in creating a survey instrument to distribute to APD officers, as well as engaged in data analysis of the survey results. He also helped create interview guides and conducted interviews with Annapolis police officers and other personnel. This work will help inform how APD can more effectively allocate law enforcement officers for particular duties, thereby contributing to improved public safety, enhanced operational efficiency, and strengthened community trust.

Erika Feeney

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice  – Annapolis Police Department Workload Study

Erika is assisting with the quantitative and qualitative aspects of this project through survey creation as well as conducting and analyzing semi-structured interviews of police personnel. 

Casey Kindall
Casey Kindall

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice   – Baybrook Community-Based Violence Intervention Program

Meghan Kozerra
Meghan Kozerra

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice  – Behavioral Health and Public Safety Strategic Plan

Jane Lee
Jane Lee

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice  - Baybrook Community-Based Violence Intervention Program

Dixin Li
Dixin Li

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice   – An Assessment of Pretrial Outcomes & Data Capacity

Kristen Millsap

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice  -  Data Analytics from Body Worn Cameras to Improve De-escalation Skills for Well-being and Safety for All

Abbey Potter
Abbey Potter

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice   – Baybrook Community-Based Violence Intervention Program

Jess Raskauskas
Jess Raskauskas

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice  – Pretrial Risk Across Maryland Jurisdictions using Client Legal Utility Engine (CLUE) Data

Jessica aided in evaluating pretrial risk assessment tools across the state. Her focus was understanding what the pretrial risk assessment tools used in each county across the state of Maryland looked like: how they differed, and how and when they were developed and evaluated. Jessica also looked for data points on pretrial release across the state and the judges and commissioners involved in making these decisions.

Sabrina Rizk

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice  – An Assessment of Pretrial Outcomes & Data Capacity

Sabrina compiled articles on the history of pretrial reform, risk assessments, and research conducted on racial disparities in pretrial outcomes across the United States. This then led to assisting with developing a timeline and writing up a final literature review. Sabrina also worked with some of the data by identifying whether the cases were in both case harvester and case searcher or if they were missing from one. Finally, Sabrina was tasked with developing potential templates for a monthly newsletter that would include recent research MCRIC had been working on. 

Veyli Ortiz Solis
Veyli Ortiz Solis

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice   – Baybrook Community-Based Violence Intervention Program

Torri Sperry
Torri Sperry

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice   – Annapolis Police Department Workload Study

Torri helped to create surveys and interview guides, as well as conducted interviews with Annapolis police officers and city leadership to develop a plan for optimal officer staffing, deployment, response times, and effectiveness under budget constraints. 

Erin Tinney
Erin Tinney

UMD Criminology & Criminal Justice - Baybrook Community-Based Violence Intervention Program

Erin conducted initial interviews with youth in the Baybrook area of Baltimore for the evaluation of the Baybrook Chosen Leaders program.