Diversity Resources

Learn more about our diversity efforts and initiatives, and get an overview of the resources available to our community members.

BSOS Diversity Opportunity Digest E-newsletter

The Diversity Opportunity Digest e-newsletter serves to provide academic opportunities and resources to underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. This newsletter is also designed to highlight events, programs, and resources from around the university related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

To sign up for the Diversity Opportunity Digest, please contact the BSOS Coordinator of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Brittney Robinson  at brobins7@umd.edu.


Past Issues:

December 1, 2022

November 17, 2022
November 3, 2022

October 13, 2022
October 5, 2022

African American History and Landmarks at UMD

From its antebellum founding through the present day, Terp life has been shaped by more than just those who wrote the official version of history. There was a time when students and visitors of color were outsiders here, but through the sacrifices of earlier pioneers—reflected in our campus fabric—each brick and blade of glass belongs to them as well. Each year during Black History Month, you are invited to explore the legacy of African American people and communities that impacted the life of the University, the State, and beyond through a virtual tour of African American history and landmarks at the University of Maryland, College Park. Hosted by Dr. Kim Nickerson, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, the tour is an affirmation of the positive and meaningful African American presence on our campus. Check back here in February 2022 for Black History Month tour dates.

Online Self-Guided UMD African American History & Campus Landmarks Tour

This self-guided walking tour was commissioned by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and expands on a presentation developed by Dr. Kim Nickerson. Drawing on University Archives, reports by campus colleagues, and other sources, the tour highlights campus landmarks associated with the impact of African Americans at the University of Maryland and throughout history.

Resources for Students

If you know of any additional resources that would be of benefit to our student population, please email them to bsosdiversity@umd.edu.

Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 

Address: 2414 Marie Mount Hall

Phone: 301-405-2838

Email: DiverseTerps@umd.edu 


Office of Graduate Diversity and Inclusion 

Address: 2123 Lee Building, 7809 Regents Drive, College Park, MD 20747

Contact: Christopher Perez, Director, Office of Graduate Diversity & Inclusion 

Phone: 301-405-0763

Email: cperez6@umd.edu 

The Office of Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA)

MICA provides opportunities and spaces that affirm students and their identities, build inclusive communities among diverse members, and create social change locally, nationally and globally.

Address: 1120 Adele H. Stamp Student Union

Email: MICA-contact@umd.edu

Phone: (301) 314-8600

MICA Student Involvement Areas


The LGBTQ Equity Center

The LGBT Equity Center provides the campus with leadership and expertise in building a fully equitable community; strengthens and supports people of diverse sexes, gender identities or expressions, and sexual orientations; and develops visible and vibrant LGBTQ+ campus communities.

Address: 2218 Marie Mount Hall

Email: lgbt@umd.edu

Phone: (301) 405-8720


International Student and Scholar Services

The International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) assists international students with transitioning to the U.S., advising on immigration requirements, and making the most of their academic experience.

Address: 1126 H.J. Patterson Hall

Phone: 301-314-7740

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm


Nyumburu Cultural Center

Nyumburu is our word for "freedom house", from the Swahili words "nyumba"(house) and "uhuru" (freedom). The Nyumburu Cultural Center has served the UM community since 1971 and continues to build on its foundations as the Center for black social, cultural and intellectual interaction

Address: 4018 Campus Drive ( adjacent to Stamp Student Union)

Phone: 301-314-7758


Office of Multi-Ethnic Education (OMSE)

The Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE) provides programs and resources to support the academic, personal, and professional excellence of students. OMSE academic programs include:

Address: 1101 Hornbake Library

Phone: 301-405-5616

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm. Please refer to the specific academic program pages for more specific details related to hours of operation.


Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program

The University of Maryland Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program) is designed to prepare students who are primarily from low-income, first-generation and traditionally underrepresented groups to pursue doctoral studies.

Address: 2202 Marie Mount Hall

Contact: Dr. Rhea Roper Nedd, Associate Director

Phone: 301-405-4749

Email: rnedd@umd.edu


TransTerps Campaign

The #TransTerps project is a part of our Rainbow Terrapin Network and an ongoing campus-wide campaign to improve campus climate for trans people by identifying, disseminating, and implementing good practices for trans inclusion.

Address: 2218 Marie Mount Hall College Park

Email: lgbt@umd.edu

Phone:(301) 405-8720


Undocumented Student Resources

This website provides resources for University of Maryland students who have an immigrant identity and experience. This website also has both on-campus and off-campus resources for the broader campus community.

Email: undoc@umd.edu

Phone: 301-405-5084

The Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct

The Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) administers the University of Maryland's non-discrimination policies and works to foster a learning and working environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual misconduct. (OCRSM is sometimes referred to as the Title IX Office.)

Address: 3101 Susquehanna Hall


Phone: 301-405-1142

University Career Center & The President’s Promise

The University Career Center & The President’s Promise provides comprehensive career assistance for all students enrolled at the University of Maryland, College Park.  The Career Center serves as a hub of activities that include advising appointments, workshops, industry panels, employer meet-ups, information sessions and on-campus interviews.

Address: 3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing

Phone: (301) 314-7225

Hours of Operation: 8:30am-5pm

Appointment Needed: No, however, appointments can be scheduled for more in-depth assistance

BSOS Career Center

The University Career Center @ BSOS is a branch of the UMD University Career Center & The President's Promise and is focused on providing customized services and resources for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Address: 2148 Tydings Hall


Phone: (301) 405-1697

Hours of Operation:

Appointment Needed: Yes. Request an appointment via Careers4Terps, and select an advisor located in 2148 Tydings Hall.

University Health Center 

The University Health Center provides high quality, cost-effective health care and wellness programs in order to promote health and support academics success. The University Health Center includes the following Wellness & Advocacy services:

Address: Campus Drive, Building 140, College Park, MD 20742

Email: health@umd.edu

Phone: Main: (301) 314-8180; Appointments: (301) 314-8184; Pharmacy: (301) 314-8186


The Counseling Center 

The Counseling Center provides comprehensive support services that promote the personal, social, and academic success of UMD students.

Phone: 301-314-7651

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm; Fall & Spring Semester ONLY open until 9:00 pm Monday-Thursday


Accessibility & Disability Services

The Accessibility and Disability Service (ADS) provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals to ensure equal access to services, programs and activities sponsored by the University of Maryland.

Address: 1101 Shoemaker Building

Phone: 301-314-7651

Hours of Operation: All units of ADS are open Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. year-round.

Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research 

The Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR) promotes and facilitates on- and off-campus research experiences for undergraduates. MCUR sponsors four programs to foster undergraduate research: Maryland Student Researchers, Maryland Summer Scholars, Undergraduate Research Day, and the Summer Seminar Series.

Address: 1201 Marie Mount Hall

Email: ugresearch@umd.edu

Phone: 301-314-6786

Hours of Operation: Monday 9am-1:30pm and 3:30-5pm, Tuesday 12:45pm-4pm, Wednesday 9am-1:45pm, and Thursday 9am-3pm

Appointment Needed: No


Research Commons

The UMD Research Commons, which includes the GIS and Spatial Data Center and the Media Lab, provides free support in  research organization, statistical and geospatial analysis, and data visualization by providing spaces and services that meet and exceed user needs.

Address: McKeldin Library 

Email: lib-rc@umd.edu